
Ryuji Kunimatsu

Born in Kyoto in Japan in 1977.

Went to Spain and studied guitar with Carles Trepat, Fernando Rodrigues, Ricardo Gallen,
composition with David Padros at the Luthier Art Music School.

He won the first prize at the Barcelona International Guitar Competition in 2006,
special prize at the Zarautz International Guitar Competition in 2005.

He returned Japan in 2007, on June of this year, he held his debut recital with an all improvisation program
in Osaka, Tokyo, Kyoto, and received a favorable review.

So far he was invited by various music festivals overseas, and has performed at the Barcelona Guitar Festival (Spain),
Rust International Guitar Festival (Austria), Lausanne International Guitar Festival (Switzerland),
Sarajevo International Guitar Festival (Bosnia and Herzegovina),etc.

His activities are playing guitar solo, with a variety of ensembles and orchestras.
He composes his own music and plays them by himself.

It is on sale the CD "Plays Kunimatsu vol.1", "Plays Piazzolla", "Arrangement", "Plays Francisco Tarrega",
"Homenaje a Miguel Lobet", the DVD "Guitar Recital in Osaka".

He opens all of his composition music for free on his website.


"El sentir la guitarra en forma distinta, escuchando sus sonidos
desde la interioridad del hombre, producir la emocion contenida,
recibiendo la respuesta del auditorio a la expresion manifestada,
son algunos de las caracteristicas mas significativas
que Ryuji Kunimatsu nos hace llegar en cada obra que interpreta.
No tenemos duda que la guitarra gane un estupendo interprete
que dara grandes satisfacciones a los que tengan la oportunidad de escucharlo."

- Eurogio Davalos (Director of Barcelona International Guitar Competition)

"Ryuji Kunimatsu es un guitarrista poseedor de excepcionales cualidades musicales.
Su elegante diccion se adapta con naturalidad a los diferentes estilos musicales,
matizando sus interpretaciones con una rica y fina gama timbrica
que sabe extraer de la guitarra.
Une a ello una preparacion musical y una gran capacidad de trabajo
que hacen de el un firme valor de la guitarra."

- Carles Trepat (Guitarist)
